We know finding vaccine appointments hasn’t been easy, so we made a quick guide for you to find available appointments for yourself and for your family, friends, and neighbors who may need help!

Step 1: Check your phase
- Over 65? You can get vaccinated.
- Go to FindYourPhaseWA.org and complete the questionnaire to confirm.
- Print out the certificate or save a screen shot for your appointment.
- For help, call 1-800-525-0127 and press #.
Step 2: Ask your health care provider
- Your doctor may have vaccine available or can help you find a provider.
- Your doctor will be the best person to ask about any health-related concerns with vaccination.
Step 3: Check with other healthcare providers
- View a list of Kitsap County providers at kcowa.us/vaccine. Click the button for “More Vaccine Locations.”
- To find vaccine providers in other counties, go to covidvaccinewa.org.
Step 4: Reach out for more help
- Call the Washington state hotline: 1-800-525-0127 and press #.
- If you do not have computer/internet access or need more help getting registered, call Kitsap Public Health: 360-728-2219 and leave a message. Para español: 360-728-2218.
Step 5: Be Patient. There’s a large demand and low supply.