Emergency managers think of threats and hazards as events with four phases:
- Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
The Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management (KCDEM) makes various plans using each of these phases. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Response Framework and National Incident Management System are used as guides. Still, many of the plans KCDEM has in place will not work without members of the community or individual preparedness.
Actions that prevent future emergencies or cut their effects, are called mitigation. For example, strapping a water heater to a stud wall before an earthquake is a mitigation activity. Mitigation activities take place before and after emergencies.
Threats and Hazards in Kitsap County are regularly assessed and plans are made to address these issues. A document called the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is created and used as a guide to reducing, or mitigating, threats and hazards before they occur.
Actions taken during an emergency are response actions. Response actions save lives and prevent further property damage in an emergency situation. Seeking shelter from a tornado is an example of a response activity. Response activities take place during an emergency.
KCDEM facilitates different volunteer programs and professional assistance to extend Kitsap County’s ability to aid in various emergencies. These include Community Emergency Response Team and Medical Reserve Corps as well as Emergency Management Assistance Team. Other elements such as Community Points of Distribution and the Emergency Operations Center are activated during emergencies and are a resource to responders.
Preparedness is preparing to handle an emergency. This includes plans made to save lives and to help response and rescue operations. Stocking food and water is an example of preparedness. Preparedness activities take place before an emergency occurs.
To help prepare, the MMHP is shared within Kitsap County so everyone will be aware of area threats and hazards and can prepare in advance of any disaster. KCDEM shares preparedness information from local, state, and federal sources to help. KCDEM also works with different partners on preparedness initiatives, and develops the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and other supporting documents to guide responders in advance of an emergency. Various program training and exercises are also created and run by KCDEM.
Recovery involves actions taken to return to normal. An example of recovery includes getting financial help to help pay for repairs. Recovery activities take place after an emergency.
KCDEM works with local, state, and federal partners to secure resources for Kitsap County during and after an emergency to aid the county in recovery efforts.